Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MIss Immi turns 7!

It is so scary to think how fast our babies grow up, but they seem to do that right before our eyes.

Our 'baby' of the family, Imogen, turned 7 yesterday and it only feels like yesterday that she was a tiny baby. I miss having her at home and knowing that she will grow up before we know it, yet at the same time I love watching her grow and learn more and more.

We had a 'friends' party on Sunday afternoon at the local PCYC. Immi LOVES the Kindy Gym parties they do - this is the 3rd year running she has had her party there and I'm thinking I might just book her in for next year now!

They do a terrific job with all the kids teaching them the basics of gymnastics and having a go on a lot of the equipment. The kids love it and get a lot out of it - keeps them going for 2 hours!

I asked Immi what cake she would like and she decided on a Dolly Cake! Without wanting to spend the almost $40 on a Dally Varden cake tin, I ended up making a Dolly Ice Cream cake using a mixing bowl from home! Immi was impressed and happy with the end result! She fancies herself a little bit of a princess!

The gorgeous candles I got from Scrapsidaisy! Just love them and haven't seen anything like them around anywhere else.

On the scrapping front I have been doing some bits and pieces but haven't organized myself to take photo's yet! I will try get onto that in the next few days!

I don't know that many people would still be around looking at my blog (I'm very slack I know!) but if anyone does, thanks for dropping in!

Love Hel xo
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