Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Scrap Space!!!!!!

My scrap space I've made in the entertainment room out the back of our house!!!!!!!! It looks a little messy in the photo but it's not too bad really! There are a lot of boxes under the tables but most of these are actually boxes of photo's (under the table that is under the window) I've brought in so I can get to things easily! They will be sorted eventually .... one day!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so NICE to have my own spot though and to not be packing things up every 5 minutes!!!!! The kids have been great and haven't been into everything ... they have their own box of stuff under the table and that's all they use .... luckily Tay knows how to use most things of mine anyway so she can always help Immi when they are making their 'creations'!!!!!!!!!
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1 comment:

Beckie said...

Great scrap space Helen, looks much roomier than mine lol, and probably more organised too!!!